Missed Checkpoint


I missed a checkpoint, now what? Your program may contain checkpoints to monitor attendance during live and on-demand courses.


Live Online Events

If checkpoints are are a requirement within your webinar, webcast or rebroadcast, you will have to hit them during the duration of the live program.


If you are unsure if you have hit a checkpoint, check under the Credit Submission tab. Here, you can find the credit checklist listing everything needed to submit for credit.



You can hit refresh list or refresh your browser to manually update the checkpoint list.



If you are unable to take a required survey or submit for credit after your course, it’s likely due to not hitting the required amount of checkpoints. However, don’t fret! Although Freestone agents are unable to adjust the checkpoints in a course, your provider can review your attendance for credit.



If your on-demand program has checkpoints, you will need to hit them as they pop up.



If missed, you can simply rewatch that chapter to hit missed checkpoints. You can do this from your classroom, either by selecting Start from Beginning or View Now next to the chapter you need to rewatch.



If you are unsure if you have hit a checkpoint, check under the Credit Submission tab. Here, you can find the credit checklist listing everything needed to submit for credit.




To prevent missing checkpoints during your course, you can do the following:


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